Worship Services

All are welcome to worship with us!

Sunday Morning
at 10:00 am

At the church and livestream via YouTube. We generally celebrate Holy Eucharist every Sunday morning.

Wednesday Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm

At the church. A peaceful service in the middle of the week to help to us catch our breath, followed by periodic bible study, book club, and other programs of interest.


At St. Nicholas, we’re intentional about teaching our children the richness of our faith and traditions.

We follow Jesus, who when some of the disciples wanted to turn away children, insisted that the children come to him. We believe if there’s one hour of the week that families should be together, it is during church.

In order for children to learn why church is important, we have to keep them in church! This means making them feel welcome and loved. Stuffies and coloring materials can help kids to learn how to listen, sit, sing, and worship.


Our nursery is available for infants to 3-year-olds until they are ready to participate fully in the service.