

Adult Forum is held Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m., before our Sunday Service. There is generally a new series every month; subscribe to our newsletter to learn ahead of time what we’ll be exploring. Previous topics have included the History of Rite I and Rite II liturgies; Celtic forms of worship; and discussions of communal readings.

Episcopal 101 (Inquirer’s Class) offers both newcomers and long-time members a chance to learn more about their faith and the Episcopal Church.

This class is for anyone who:

  • is new.

  • wants to join the church.

  • wants to be confirmed.

  • wants a refresher course in Christianity.

  • wants to ask questions.

Participants must attend the classes in order to be confirmed/ received/ reaffirmed.


Opportunities to get to know one another and share include Lunch Bunch, and Small Groups.