Serve Your Church

“The ministers of the Church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons.” —Book of Common Prayer, p. 855

The Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer puts lay people first when it lists ministers. We all are invited to help lead worship as readers, acolytes, ushers, and more.

Ways to Serve in Worship

  • Lay people who bear the chalice during communion and assist the priest at the altar. They must be at least 16 years old, undergo training, and be licensed by the diocese. They may also be trained to take communion to people who cannot come to a service. Email us at to learn more.

  • People who read the First and Second lessons. Anyone of any age may be a reader, and this ministry is open to all people. Email us at to learn more.

  • People who welcome everyone into the church; they stand at the door, say hello, and invite people to worship. They may also help with getting newcomers’ information so that we can be in touch. Email us at to learn more.

  • “Behind the scenes” people who set up the bread, wine, altar hangings, and so on. They learn a lot about liturgy and handle the sacred elements of our worship. They enhance our worship in ways that most people don’t recognize. Email Rose Brent (in our directory) or contact the Parish Administrator at to expres interest.

  • People who create the beautiful arrangements on the altar. They arrange the flowers, usually matching the liturgical season, and remind us of God’s natural beauty through Creation. Contact Margaret Zachry (in our directory) or email the office at to express interest.

  • People who use their musical gifts to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. They may play any instrument—piano, organ, horns, drums, stringed instruments, wind instruments—that will enhance our worship experience. Contact Kevin Anderson at

Other Ways to Serve

  • Home isn’t just where we live—it’s a feeling when we’re in a familiar, safe, and friendly place. We want people of all ages to feel welcomed, invited, and integrated into God’s family.

  • This committee provides support, meals, visits, prayer blankets, phone calls and notes, reminding us that God is always there in the midst of all that life brings us.

    In addition, Lay Eucharistic Visitors bring communion out to those who are unable to make it to church.